
In recent present doing things “in the cloud” has become a common catch phrase, but what does this cloud computing, exactly mean? Cloud computing is term sed for any type of computing work which has been hosted online via internet, and there were various services

Software Testing Software testing is a process of executing, validating and verifying an application or program with an intention to find software bugs, These has to be identified in order to fix the issues. This is ultimate to maintain and deliver a quality product. Software

Nowadays, what a business needs in internet market is its visibility amidst the customers. The local businesses are dependent on Google for their visibility and promotions as Google have started to give importance to local results. In the process of giving more accurate, relevant results

Nowadays, in this technically inclined world, businesses develop complex, creative, high quality applications, which need a best in class infrastructure to operate. If you take a closer look, Infrastructure is directly related to an organization’s high productivity, cost reduction, good quality & performance etc. Meeting

Would you like to use mobile apps to enhance your business opportunity? Then you have to leverage the new trends that the world is catching upto. In the recent years Mobile Apps developed enormously. As business become more connected it’s better to have a mobile

“IT Infrastructure is at the heart of an enterprise and no CIO in his/her worst nightmare would wish for it to ever fail!” This was quoted by a senior most person in a familiar and reputed organisation. “IT Infrastructure Management” plays vital role in the

Smart phones have become an integral part of people’s lives and it has gone to an extent that our day to day operations depends on them. The arrival of smart phones, tablets have made many things easier like surfing internet, checking emails, ordering food, buying

Is it right to outsource your mobile app development to a dedicated outsourcing company or is it wrong? Is it right to develop your mobile app by your own or is it wrong? Going by a business viewpoint, it is not about the antithesis of

Event planners have understood the importance of finding exciting ways to manage a corporate event. The top event management trend is to develop personalized mobile app for events and get better business results. Exhibitors are sure to get impressed by seeing organizers trying new things,

Until recently apps were separately created for Android and iOS platforms but with the introduction of cross platform mobile frameworks like PhoneGap, Titanium has made mobile app development an easy task. Cross platform development frameworks helps us to write a code and make it run