We have many years of experience in building effective applications using MongoDB and other NoSQL tools.
- Build PHP-powered dynamic web applications using MongoDB as the data backend
- Store website analytics data in real time
- Process large datasets with MapReduce
- Build data archives, cache tiers, store results of expensive SQL queries
- Relatively high performance, robust and secure

Page - MongoDB
MongoDB Web Development Services
MongoDB is an open source document model system developed and supported by 10th Gen which empowers to work with data in an intuitive way while offering maximum flexibility to not only adapt and make changes quickly, but to support the widest variety of data models, relationships and use cases. All while delivering the best performance with less effort.
MongoDB web development is part of the NoSQL database systems. MongoDB stores structured data as JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (MongoDB calls the format BSON), making the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and faster while compare to normal table structure.
MongoDB is designed with accelerating fast performance and infinite scale in mind. It features a document-oriented data model, dynamic schema, full index support, ultra-fast in-place updates, rich dynamic queries, built-in sharing and auto-failover, and supports GridFS and MapReduce.
An intelligent distributed systems architecture fit for projects with very large volumes of data and/or significant scale-out requirements that still require extremely high performance, where data is too complex and heterogeneous to model in a relational schema, or involving real-time analytic. MongoDB web development provides levels of availability, workload isolation, scalability, and data locality unmatched by other solutions.
MongoDB is well suited for the following cases:
- GPS Tracking Applications
- Archiving & Event Logging
- Document & Content Management Systems
- E-Commerce Applications
- Gaming Applications
- High Volume Problems
- Mobile Applications
- Operational Data Store of a Website
- Projects Using Iterative / Agile Development Methodologies
- Real-time Stats / Analytics
- Big Data Analytics
- High Traffic Apps
- Social Networks
- Document Oriented Systems
- Graph Storage Scenarios
ANGLER’s expert team of architects and software engineers has many years of experience in building effective applications using MongoDB and other NoSQL tools both as primary storage and as caching tier, deployed on various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.
If you would like to build a database for a high-performance, high-availability website capable of handling large millions of visitors, or a web front cache for storing frequently changing real time data / information, or a database with SSL connection, or a file storage with no time or size limit – ANGLER’s team of dedicated MongoDB developers has the experience and the necessary technical expertise to meet your needs.
Contact us to know more about our MongoDB Open Source web development services or hire our MongoDB developers for your needs.
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