With our vast experience in PHP, we offer an array of CakePHP open source solutions for your needs.
- Highly secured and structured framework to work upon
- Highly flexible and scalable template
- Compatible with PHP Versions 4, 5 & 7
- Specialize in custom web development in CakePHP
- Experienced team of CakePHP developers

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CakePHP Development Services
CakePHP has become one of the most popular frameworks nowadays for PHP development and it is the most preferred choice by any developer to build simple, faster and effective web applications. It is an open source MVC framework written in PHP, modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying web applications and also helps developers to create robust and secure web apps by utilizing its high end functionality.
CakePHP uses well-known software engineering concepts and software design patterns such as Convention over Configuration, Model-View-Controller, ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping and Front Controller.
It has an active developer team and community, bringing great value to the project. In addition to keeping you from wheel-reinventing, using this open source means your application’s core is well tested and is being constantly improved.
Key Features of CakePHP Development:
Here’s a quick list of features you’ll enjoy when using CakePHP:
- Active & Friendly Open Source Community
- Flexible Licensing
- Compatible with PHP Versions 4, 5 & 7
- Integrated CRUD for Database Interaction
- Application Scaffolding
- Code Generation
- MVC Architecture
- Request Dispatcher with Clean, Custom URLs and Routes
- Built-in Validation
- Fast and Flexible Templating (PHP Syntax with Helpers)
- View Helpers for AJAX, JavaScript, HTML Forms and much more
- Email, Cookie, Security, Session and Request Handling Components
- Flexible ACL
- Data Sanitization
- Flexible Caching
- Localization
- Works from any Website Directory, with Little Number of Apache Configuration involved
ANGLER’s primary goal is to enable the user to work in a structured and rapid manner without loss of flexibility. ANGLER has a team of skilled web developers who are capable of utilizing features of this structured open source PHP framework and develop beautiful websites with high flexibility and scalability.
Being a pioneering, India-based Offshore Software Development Company, we serve you with robust CakePHP web application development at cost-effective price. Our experienced PHP web developers are keeping pace with the current industry standards with the latest versions of this open source framework and possess the requisite skills to deploy them in your web applications without hampering the functionality of the applications.
ANGLER has used CakePHP to develop numerous web application development projects including Document Management System, Customer Relationship Management, Hotel Management System to name a few.
ANGLER’s CakePHP Service Offerings:
ANGLER offers the following services in Open Source segment with the help of expert PHP web developers:
- CakePHP Website Development
- CakePHP Shopping Cart Development
- CakePHP CMS Development & Customization
- CakePHP Website Maintenance
- CakePHP Custom Component Development
- CakePHP Upgradation & Integration
- CakePHP Extension Development
At ANGLER, we offer an array of CakePHP development solutions making the best use of the MVC framework architecture, which reduces coding time. With our vast PHP experience and highly qualified CakePHP developers, we bring great value to your web application development project and offer rapid application development for our clients spread across the globe.
Contact us today to know more about our CakePHP Development Services or to hire our CakePHP developers for your needs.
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