Test Project
We make use of test project, a test automation framework and create automated tests for both web and mobile applications.
- Collaborative Testing repository
- Improves the quality of code Also saves time
- Powerful SDK for creating Tests and Add-ons
- Automates repetitive tasks & makes the process agile

Page - Test Project
Test Project is a free end-to-end test automation platform for web, mobile, and API testing that’s supported by the #1 test automation community. Test Project is a fully-featured product that anyone can use for free. By using the smart recorder option we can inspect the element and add action while recording itself which is much better after finding the element location exactly. No need of installing any SDK tools or Appium into to test project tool, those options are coming as a built-in Test Project Tool.
Our Experience with Test Project
Our client was a leading retailer in the US region. The client outsourced the testing/QA with ANGLER in order to optimize the cost and in need for the testing expertise, ANGLER have managed recorded tests, coded tests, and add-ons in a single cloud repository, also created automation jobs and schedule executions to run on any local or remote environment with a single click, Test project provided a seamless integration to CI/CD workflow with DevOps popular tools like Jenkins and client was able to do end-to-end test automation platform for web, mobile, and API testing, supported by the cloud-hosted test automation community
The main goal in software development processes is to satisfy customers with timely releases of software that works flawlessly. To create test automation, it is important to pick the right tool for the job Test Project is a powerful automation solution that aims to simplify your test automation experience. It also enables a full team approach to quality by enabling effective collaboration on test automation solutions.
Key benefits of Test Project
Test project use agents to run the test in local / remote machines and the agent can be anywhere in the world which is registered in the user account. Using the test project tool, the user can mix and match tests in different languages for the same test case. Test project is much friction-less to run on real Android / iOS devices, simulators since it has all dependencies to run the test.
ANGLER with our years of our expertise in the automation testing, we have implemented automation testing process for their internal financial application to one of the top financial institution by using the record playback feature in Test project tool we are able to capture the dynamic test objects and able to execute the test cases at ease. This increased the effectiveness of testing by 40% & ensured the accuracy.
If you prefer to outsource for a test project tool. Contact us
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