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ANGLER participated at CommunicAsia 2009, premier information technology exhibition in Singapore from 16 – 19 June 2009 featuring some of the latest technologies for solutions, applications and hardware. Joining hands with CommunicAsia enable Enterprise IT & Interactive DME to make it truly a global event for

ANGLER participated at Webinale 2009 at Berliner Congress Center, Berlin in Germany from 25-May-09 to 27-May-09. Webinale 2009, holistic web conference is one of the most highly attended and biggest events for online business and digital marketing in Germany. This event feautred everything you need to

ANGLER was at Internet World 2009 at Earls Court, London for the second year from 28-April-09 to 30-April-09. UK’s longest running, highly attended and biggest event for online business and digital marketing, Internet World 2009 is the only event that brings you everything you need to

ANGLER participated in Hong Kong’s largest ICT Trade Show HKTDC International ICT Expo 2009 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong from 13-April-09 to 16-April-09. This year we had senior management from our Indian HO and Hong Kong offices at hand in our

ANGLER participated for the 5th year in succession at the world’s largest ICT Trade Show CeBIT at Hannover Germany This year we had senior management from our Indian HO, UK and Germany offices at hand in our comfortable 18 sq. mts. stall to answer visior

ANGLER participated in the world’s prestigious IT fair, OutsourceWorld, London, the UK. To extend our reach and to serve our European clients better, we have a fully-owned subsidiary- ANGLER Technologies UK Ltd. ANGLER is keen on working with technology companies using Filemaker, Qt and Ruby

ANGLER participates in CeBIT to give in the Best of India Advantage to its clients with focus on Outsourced Product Development.
ANGLER HeadStart – An Exclusive OPD Service

ANGLER HeadStart as an exclusive OPD service will bring in the true benefits of outsourcing by instilling growth to business by our unique VODC model.
New York, USA – IT Trade Show OutsourceWorld 2006

This was ANGLER’s third consecutive year of participation at the OutsourceWorld, New York-IT Trade Show. ANGLER showcased its exclusive OPD model – ANGLER HeadStart to prospective OPD partners and ISV’s. ANGLER offers world-class Indian software skills and creative branding and product user interface, bringing life
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