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Virtual store development for a leading group of companies
Virtual store development
- Order status update through SMS
- Display products available in stock
- Order placement for Vendor product

The client is a group concern of leading jewelers. They engage in Construction of apartments and individual villas, Organic departmental Store, Coconut Lagoon with Farm Houses, Exclusive Jewel Showrooms, Physical Trading of Gold Bullion, Windmill of Power generation and also offer virtual store for purchasing.
The client wanted to develop a virtual marketplace to sell their products which is accessed from their Store and not through Online. The client mainly focuses on illiterate people who don't know to purchase products through online. l of Power generation and also offer virtual store for purchasing.
What We Did
We @ ANGLER customized our iStore product to meet client needs mentioned below:
- Vendor product integration.
- Display products that are available in stock.
- Customer can shop for products by logging in with their mobile number or fingerprint registered.
- Order placement for Vendor product in VStore, instead of taking customer to the vendor website for product purchase.
- Order status update through SMS for the customers
Technologies Used.
- Order placement for Vendor product in VStore, instead of taking customer to the vendor website for product purchase.
- Order status update through SMS for the customers
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