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Windows Phone Case Studies
Windows Phone Application Development

Client is an innovative digital agency with expertise in online and mobile solutions. They develop unique digital products and services that support and focus on providing value to the organizations and strengthen their business bottom-line by increasing sales and reducing costs. They have made everything from mobile time entry applications for games and mobile friendly websites.
Material Management System

Client offers comprehensive support for entire computing infrastructure. They provide a wide range of technology products and IT support services that gears their clients company’s efficiency and productivity.
PDA Application

The Client is a leading Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)- Application provider and has in a very short time reached a leading position in the market for mobility focusing only on the Field Force Sector by marketing a .NET standard application which finds world wide usage.
CRM software Applications

The client is a CRM expert. They develop CRM products in PHP, Windows mobile, iPhone etc. They are committed to excellent product development and value-driven methodologies. They are focused on nurturing collaborative customer relationships
Synchronization of Contents (Data)

The client wanted to develop a Synchronizing application that would synchronize contents between desktop PC's, laptops and Microsoft PDA.
Website Development
The client wanted web based solution, essentially a social networking site that enables users to share their view and post comments related to places of interest such as restaurants, clubs, sports and recreation centers etc.
Application Software Development

This client is a US based research company. Working on IT research and services. The client allows the customers to synchronize Bookmarks, Contacts, Files with their server.
Website Design
This client is an American based social networking company which allow user to register and share their favorite places with friends and people like facebook and Orcut.
Web Survey Tool
The client is a human resources consultancy company. They engage in helping organizations with some or all phases of small and large scale research and data collection projects
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