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Online portal development for a leading fertilizer manufacturer in India
Online web portal was developed for a leading fertilizer manufacturer in India using ASP .Net
- One stop solution for dealers to access their account details.
- Detailed dashboard for admin users to control the dealer accounts
- Plethora of reports to track the order details, delivery details and feedback status.

The client is a leading Phosphatic fertilizer manufacturer who specializes in the Fertilizers, Specialty Nutrients, Crop Protection and Retail segments of the industry. They manufacture a wide range of fertilizers and markets more than 3.2 million tons of fertilizers making them the leaders in their market.
As a leading fertilizer manufacturer with more than 50,000 dealers and 22 sales offices across India the client needed a web portal to interact with its dealers. The core data regarding the dealers, account information, invoices was to be retrieved from the client’s SAP portal. The privileges for the dealers should be controlled by the admin of respective sales offices. The client also wanted a module for feedback / queries in the portal for the dealers and the portal admin users should be able to track the status of the feedback / queries.
What We Did
After gathering the client’s requirements, our team of developers @ ANGLER carefully studied them and came up with a solution that satisfies the client’s needs. We developed a web application using VS 2013 (4.5 Framework) and SQL Server as back end. The application was developed with 3-tier architecture using Microsoft Enterprise Library software. A module for SAP integration was developed using SQL to upload the bulk dealer data, their account details, invoices and other information into the application.
Access to dealers was provided through respective sales offices so that the privileges for each dealers can be controlled through the sales offices itself thus controlling the data flow. Additionally dealers have SMS options for their invoices, over dues, SOA details, Stock Receipt Acknowledgement, order details, multiple order placement, get account balance confirmation etc.. as per the configuration set by superadmin. This configuration can be on an immediate (manual) trigger, daily basis, monthly basis, specific date or instant based. Also as per the client requirement, a module for feedback / queries was developed for the dealers so that they can provide their feedback / queries. Apart from this, Different reports and enriched dashboard to monitor and control the usage, data size of the application etc., Dealer portal also comprises access to marketing team executives to view limited transactions like information summary, statement of accounts & fully open invoices with view, print, pdf, excel access by selecting dealer.
Technologies Used.
- One stop solution for dealers to access their account information, order status and invoice details.
- Platform to share their feedback / queries
- Detailed dashboard for admin users to control the dealer status, portal usage, active users etc
- Plethora of reports to track the order details, delivery details and feedback status.
- Automated data pulling from SAP on regular intervals.
- Automated SMS and Email to dealer for daily basis.
- Confirmation of Accounts Balance by dealers via dealer portal.
- Place the multiple orders by dealers via dealer portal.
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