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Mobile App Functional Testing using Katalon Automation Tool
Automation Testing with Katalon Studio tool helps overcome common challenges & reduce the time taken as well does testing efficiently.
- Extremely customizable for project scale-up
- Supports major testing needs: Web, Mobile and API
- Test cases can be written in both manual and script mode
- User friendly UI shields all technical complexities

Client provides event organizers, associations & its members a comprehensive yet simple Mobile event management app to engage event audience and increase ROI.
Testing the mobile event apps directly in-order to detect bugs and to avoid bug accumulation in the app.
What We Did
- Test Engineers tested by calling the mobile functional with different input parameters, string comparison to validate the correct response validation.
- They validated the application logic and checked whether the functional flow meets the expectations.
- If comparison fails, log a defect to respective mail-id and maintain the reports in Katalon Analytics which prevent as many bugs as possible.
- Also we run the scheduled test suites as many times as required to check the mobile application’s stability by integrating Katalon with Jenkins (CI) and GITHUB.
Technologies Used.
- End result ensures that more than 90% of coverage in functional smoke and regression testing
- Earlier detection of bugs in the initial phases shrinks test cycle time and manual testing cost
- Web app tests can run and complete in a matter of seconds
- Run the web functionality as many times as possible with multiple inputs to measure the stability and robustness of the application
- Reduce interoperability and integration issues
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