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Featured Case Studies
Web Application to Enhance Security with Milestone SDK Integration

Having large manufacturing unites at multiple location; the client is a leading supplier of automobile equipment’s for nearly 2 decades. Their customers are four wheeler & two-wheeler brands.
Snapshot Plugin Integration for Video Management Application

Client is a leading supplier of digital surveillance devices like CCTV cameras, DVR, camera & lenses etc. with more than 15+ years of expertise, the client delivers world class digital security solutions across Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Changsha and Bangkok.
Video Management Case Studies
MIP Smart Wall Plugin Integration for CCTV Video Surveillance

Client is a leading service provider in Asia Pacific region and has in-depth experience cum knowledge in various fields including manufacturing, value adding distribution, solution integration and system design.
Web Application to Enhance Security with Milestone SDK Integration

Having large manufacturing unites at multiple location; the client is a leading supplier of automobile equipment’s for nearly 2 decades. Their customers are four wheeler & two-wheeler brands.
Snapshot Plugin Integration for Video Management Application

Client is a leading supplier of digital surveillance devices like CCTV cameras, DVR, camera & lenses etc. with more than 15+ years of expertise, the client delivers world class digital security solutions across Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Changsha and Bangkok.
Web application development for security and surveillance industry in Hong Kong

This client has an in-depth experience in various aspects, including, manufacturing, and value adding distribution, solution integration and system design. They understand that, as the era of full digitalization of the surveillance system comes, effective deployment of advance information technologies to support the ever increasing demand from different sectors, becomes a challenge to everyone in the security and surveillance industry, end-user, contractor, installer and solution integrators, alike and aims to provide professional consultation, support and services, to help their resellers to face this challenge together.
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