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Automation Testing using Cucumber Tool with Selenium
We have done Behavior-Driven-Development(BDD) automation testing using Cucumber tool. This allowed automation of functional validation easily readable and understandable to Business Analysts, Developers, Testers, etc
- Provided solution to real problems they approached
- Reduced wasteful behavior in software development.
- Stakeholders can easily understand the language & collaborate
- Reduces cost of maintenance & thereby minimizes risks

A leading Hospital in South India that provides compassionate health care to patients. With multi-specialty facilities it offers world class treatment for wide range of ailments.
Project manager was not able to spend a lot of time performing functional tests to analyze the quality, reliability, performance and ensure the web application works as intended. To deliver the application at the speed & to reduce unwanted time consumption client preferred to outsource testing service and deal with unwanted bugs rising due to newly added features. Their exact need was to automate testing for modules like doctor assignment, bed allotment, billing, stock maintenance and reduce manual testing cycle. They looked out to outsource test engineers who will support them to do automated functional testing of their Enterprise application using cucumber tool.
What We Did
Our automation test engineers understood their needs, business operational challenges & used cucumber tool with selenium for testing as per their requirement. We Tested the following whichever was challenging for them.
- Each doctor specialty & timings
- All new patient registration with mandatory fields
- Medicine stock data
- Day wise, week wise billing schedule was
Technologies Used.
- Improved patient registration
- No false bed booking
- Doctor appointments are scheduled correctly
- Scheduled Billing details with exact details
- Generate Al Cucumber reports together by using different plugins
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