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Candidate recruitment system
Candidate recruitment system for a leading governmental company
- Easy candidate selection process
- User-friendly features
- Instant e-mail intimations
- Multiple user selection options

The client is a governmental company responsible for managing the operations of an International Airport, and they are also responsible to maintain the infrastructure of the airport such as the terminal buildings, cargo building, runway, apron and car parking which are directly under the control of government.
- The client requirement was to develop a Candidate Recruitment System, to support the admin by classifying the category wise job details online.
- Candidates who want to apply for a job can register with their details and they can apply for the jobs which are relevant to their educational qualification, nationality, experience and age.
- The admin should be given privilege to select multiple users and download their resumes, photos and certificates if added.
- Also the admins should be able to synchronize with their offline database through online admin panel
What We Did
- Candidate requirements will be available on the web application for the recruitment process. The admin user can create a master table and post the job based on their requirement
- Candidates can register and login into the application to apply for a job. After login the candidates will be able to create and update their profile with current data
- The candidates, who completed their profile, can able to view the jobs and apply for the job which suits their profile
- Candidate can apply for the job only if their profile matches the minimum requirement to their educational qualification, nationality, experience and age for the particular job
- Admin users can view the candidate who applied for the job and process their profile by step by step stages
- If the candidate profile selected/rejected, intimation mail will be triggered to the candidate’s email address
- Admin user can able to view/export the candidate details when ever required
Technologies Used.
- Works according to their requirements
- Can maintain every applied candidate details
- Proceeds the process step by step
- Selection status can be monitored
- Recruitment history can be viewed
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