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Transport Management Software for Shipment Service Provider
- All in one Logistics Platform
- Yearly AMC services for ERP
- Detailed reporting with export option

The client is a mid-level shipment services provider for European countries, steadily making progress to provide complete logistics services for the customer.
Client has digitalized all their operations in various platforms and found the difficulty in handling those data. Client’s business requirement was an integrated solution to easily access the data, in specific they were in need of a platform to support multi user, multi-location, integrate accounts module with existing accounts system.
What We Did
We provided our Logistics ERP solution to the client, as it has all modules incorporated in it to carry out the shipment service seamlessly. Now client could seamlessly give role wise user access, do warehouse management, transport management & freight forwarding tasks that are strategic for all companies. Our flexible transport management software system allows the client to export the data as CSV and import in their existing accounting software.
Technologies Used.
- All in one Logistics Platform
- Secured user access irrespective of device and OS
- Detailed reporting with export option
- Yearly AMC services for ERP
- Customizable as per business process
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