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Travel and Expense Management Mobile App Development
The Travel and Expense Claim Management mobile app system includes entering of expense reports and to request reimbursement for business trip expenses and field work etc.

The client which has a large sales and service team approached us for developing a mobile app. the need for developing a travel and expense management mobile app was felt by the management, as it hampered the workflow and morale the company executives at all levels, especially those involved in business trips.
The client gave a briefing to our mobile app development team to elucidate their requirement. The problem was the sales and service teams and other executive who were on trips or travel to complete their tasks faced delay in getting reimbursement for the expenses involved in travelling and other related events during their hours of official work. There was delay in the expense vouchers and reports reaching the finance team which has the authority to sanction reimbursement of bills and expenses after scrutiny. There was also less clarity in the reports as documentation was not done sequentially and in time or with proper proof. The task of developing all the features and fields of the mobile app to satisfy requirements was undertaken using Flutter.
What We Did
The mobile app development team after careful evaluation of the pain points, undertook a thorough discussion to come up with the solution. A mobile app that supports both Android and iOS operating systems was envisaged. It was also integrated to the back-end system built, using Cake PHP and MySQL. Using the app employee now need not carry all the bills and wait in queue for submission and then track them till they get reimbursement. The Finance Team need not pressure/push the employee to produce and claim bills from their desk for processing for reimbursement and claims. The Finance team needn’t do any paper-work to handle the reimbursement process, as the process is now digitised. CFO and Management Team can be able to know the claim details effectively with reports, as when required, as it is now all recorded and stored.
Technologies Used.
- Effective push notification system
- Automated Notification & Reminders
- Good User Experience for all stakeholders
- Complete Guide for employee to do their daily claims
- Day-Wise, Week Wise, Month Wise, Year Wise Track Records
- Finance Team can verify the claimed bills digitally and process the claim also
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