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Redesigning Existing Client’s Customer Portal with Better UI/UX
To meet rising customer expectations and have a clear process for updating existing services we created the most user-friendly application possible.
- Created a UX Repository that can be continually updated for all documentation
- Embraced a user-centric style of development to modernize the application
- Delivered a new level of service for both their employees & end users of their products
- UI / UX process can be replicated and used as a template for existing and future projects.

A Multi-billion dollar Energy & Agriculture company that have extensive experience in designing cutting-edge solutions.
The client wanted to make transition, modernize their existing customer portal application, establish UI/UX processes, and set up a continuous integration and deployment framework for serving their clients.
What We Did
ANGLER team has worked with the client’s internal team as a consultant and enabled them to update the design and workflow of the existing Customer Portal application. Client’s goal was to redesign the application & make it engaging for users.
We met with multiple stakeholders, product owners, project managers and formulated a 30-step plan that laid out a new UX-based workflow. The user-centric style of development plan we arrived at had clear task list, team members involved and deliverable at each step. To create the most user-friendly application possible each step focused on testing, learning from market and user feedback.
Our team’s proficiency in UI/UX design and technology has empowered the client’s team to have clear guidelines for user-centric development, with goals and milestones when development is in progress. All stakeholders can use the repository going forward as a starting point and template for new or existing projects.Technologies Used.
- User friendly application to engage users
- Scalable with business growth for both new & existing Projects
- Templates stored as repository for future projects
- Achieved higher customer satisfaction, delight & loyalty.
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