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Asset management benchmark generator for a leading business organization
Asset management benchmark generator for a leading business organization
- Creation of as many surveys as desired
- Graphical reports for better analysis
- Based on reports the users shall get advice or share advice
- Provision to export the survey responses and survey questions to CSV and manually
- The published survey can be accessed in most of the browsers and mobiles

The client is a leading business tycoon who needed an asset management benchmark generator that shall reflect their end user’s rating in the form of charts.
Client’s requirement was to develop an asset management benchmark generator that compares a user’s rating with all other user’s rating in the form of a bar chart and pie chart.Each value range was expected to be displayed in different color an also the chart should be responsive.
What We Did
ANGLER .net developer’s team successfully developed this application that provides multiple question types handling most complex logic to meet business requirements. It is a comprehensive online survey tool to create survey, configure a welcome message, preview the created survey, share the response to gain advices and reports shall be generated.
This application consolidates the user’s response after comparing with all other user’s response and displays them in the form of charts.Each value range is indicated in different colors.However the user shall get advices over the response by choosing get advise option. This showcases the business standards of the organization.
Technologies Used.
- Increased response
- Facility to create benchmark
- Responders can know where they are in their business
- Gain Business Intelligence
- Transparency of data
- Faster & affordable
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