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Industrial Native Mobile App Development
- Category based product management tool
- Seamless update of GSTN by dealers
- Receive instant stock control receipt

The client is one of largest manufacturers and suppliers in India of fertilizers and special nutrients for crops.
For the client’s dealer portal mobile app, a super admin is required to view and manage all three user groups (Admin, Marketing user & Dealers). On successful login, users must be able to access features like statement of accounts, invoice, debit/credit notes, and my payments, fully open invoice and reports (in PDFs) etc.
What We Did
Based on the client’s requirement, native mobile app development team at ANGLER developed a mobile application in iOS & Android platform for the dealers. The native mobile app enables the super admin to have control over other 3 users – Admin, Marketing user & Dealer. With the master control of the mobile app, the super admin is facilitated with the anytime anywhere access to special features like statement of accounts, invoice, payments & reports etc.
Technologies Used.
- One stop tool for crop management & growth
- Helps to identify control measures and diseases
- Seamless update of GSTN by dealers
- Category based product management tool
- Receive instant stock control receipt
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