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Mobile app development for a leading global entrepreneurial organization
Mobile app development for credit card services section of a leading global entrepreneurial organization from UAE.
- Easily access User’s card account services
- Enhanced security and reliability
- Enriched user experience
- Effortlessly manage user related data and other content
- Provision to send offers to users based on location

The client is a leading global entrepreneurial organization with their business ranging from IT to Consumer Products, Consultancy to training. The client offers a variety of credit cards that are tailored to meet its user’s daily lifestyle needs. They are the leaders in credit card and prepaid services through state-of-the-art technology, operational superiority and fast response times for their customers in the entire Middle East.
What the client wanted was a mobile app for their credit card users, so that they can easily access their overall account details like transaction information, points, offers etc. Cardholders who download the app should be able to self-register for the service through a simple security questionnaire or a remembered PIN to view and maintain their credit card and its supplementary card details. They wanted the app to be highly secure as it includes personal and transaction related details of its users but at the same time easier to use as it will be accessed for both registered and guest users.
What We Did
Our team of talented developers from mobile app development team analyzed the client’s requirement carefully and came up with a solution to effectively develop the mobile app that is secure but also easy to access. The app was developed in a way in which each and every transaction in the app has a 3 tier security approach with the help of a middle ware architecture which controls the communication between the mobile app and the bank CRM data. Whenever a user interaction is triggered, each process will integrate with the bank’s CRM system for fetching the card holder’s KYC information through the middleware. This interface with the CRM system and the app done through the middleware & the API acts as a means to validate security, thus it makes the transaction more secure. The application will provide the following key services:
- Card details and all its transaction related information
- Card holders can view their loyalty points and redeem offers
- Customers (card holders and potential card holders) can lookup Bank offers based on their location
- Application origination customers can view card product details and apply for a suitable card
Technologies Used.
- Easily access User’s card account services
- Check balance, statement and place service requests on the go.
- Enhanced security and reliability
- Enriched user experience
- Effortlessly manage user related data and other content
- Provision to send offers to users based on location
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