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iPhone Game Application Development
iPhone Game Application Development for a major Computer Software Solution Provider in Canada
Key Achievements
- Easy and Attractive user interface
- Improve memory power for kids
- Increasing of short term memory
- Concentration improvement

The client is in Computer Software industry over years and requires an iPhone Game Application for kids that should have easy and attractive user interface, so that the game can be played easily by the kids.
The client needs a memory game in iPhone to increase the concentration level and memory power for kids. The game should have three game levels with animation and audio effects and also to count the score of the users.
What We Did
ANGLER provides an attractive iPhone Memory Card Game Application with easy user interface, animation and sound effects to match pairs of cards by turning over matched pairs. Over the course of the game, it becomes known where certain cards are located, and so upon players with good memory can turn up one card will be able to remember where they have already seen its pair.
Technologies Used.
Young children have a tendency to think they know where the pairs are located and to turn over the one they are sure of first. They can be puzzled by finding its match. This game will improve the memory power and concentration level of kids.
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