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Video Auditing Web Application to Monitor Company Sales
We developed a video auditing web application to audit the video footages of sales activities
- Too monitor sales & prevent loss by monitoring CCTV Video footages
- Easily compare sales between CCTV video footages and physical sales
- Recognize your best employee
- Prevent loss & increase revenue through customer service

The organization is focused on video auditing the sales and thereby reducing and simplifying management's challenge to control costs and capture all revenues.
Client requirement was to develop a Video Auditing web application to monitor their physical sales using CCTV video footages recorded at their Hotel, Bars & Retail shops. The client wants to audit the video footages of sales activities and it should be helpful to compare the sales between invoice and actual sales.
What We Did
Team at ANGLER developed a web application to track the video images and audit standard service operating procedures. This application can be accessed by the customers to monitor the sales recorded in CCTV video footages with that of the sales between invoices and physical sales. Video Auditing solution offered frees managers to focus on customer service while the application focus on cost control and revenue enhancement. Increase Revenue, Prevent Loss (stolen goods), Reduce Management Hassle, Recognize your best Employees, Constant improvement platform.
Technologies Used.
- The reports show risk by category and time, where the highest risk of lost revenue through to the audited images of sales that are at risk
- Monitor your business with no disruption to operations
- The POS (Point of Sales) matched reports will highlight areas of Risk
- The audit results furnish verifiable testimony for rewarding your best employees, while providing a great learning tool for those less accomplished
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