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Web Application Development for Agriculture Industry
- Captivating dashboard based on products & location
- Vast business reports for improvements
- Logical tracking based on business & constraints
- Instant notification for SMS, emails to higher officials

Client deals with agricultural solutions like fertilizers, pesticides etc. The client’s plant nutrition solution business produces insecticides, fungicides & herbicides and markets the products in India and also across the globe.
As client requested, we need to design & develop an admin portal and mobile application for their regional sales manager who goes to villages, take orders from farmers and tracks those delivery statuses. The web application must allow AMRO, the superior person to Regional Sales Manager to meet the existing/new farmers to gather requirement details of product category that are planned. The web app must also facilitate to add products under required categories & be viewable under stocks. The master control must be with AMRO to look up on threshold limits.
What We Did
Based on the scope, Team @ ANGLER developed a web application that renders all data from the web application to the mobile app. We have structured multiple masters the web panel to manage the various users with privileges of location masters in hierarchy like state, store, village, zone etc. The developed web application maintains the complete details of farmers in this web panel and finally renders to the mobile app. The mobile app serves as a universal UI for regional sales managers to take orders from farmers and embeds it with the web panel. Our web panel provides the vendors with various reports to clients to analyze the statistics and business progress with possible improvements.
Technologies Used.
- Attractive dashboard based on products & location
- Immense business reports for improvements
- Seamless update of master contents
- Logical tracking based on business & constraints
- Instant alerts to superiors from sales managers
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