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Portal development for a leading service provider in US
Portal development for a leading service provider in US
- Robust Consultant and Recruiter portal
- Custom plug-in development to meet the demands
- User friendly platform that matches the skills of job seekers
- Mail contact synchronization
- Seamless bulk job seeker data upload

The client is a techie who wanted to develop a portal that enables US IT consultants and US IT recruiters to communicate the vacancies unambiguously. The client was particular about the recruiters getting responses from any consultant only after matching the skill set with the vacancy and vice versa.
The client wanted to develop a portal that synchronizes the social media contacts of every member. Due to security issues the social media of multiple users could not be synchronized. The email invite feature and the email subscribe feature was highly challenging. Our Angler Technical team prepared a remedy to eradicate the problem and tested the same successfully. The SMTP was bye passed and with the help of a third party tool the emails were sent successfully with ‘unsubscribe’ feature so as the user shall unsubscribe the emails at any point of time.
What We Did
Our .Net developers have come up with a portal that enables consultants to register with their personal, official mail id so that, many consultants from a same consultancy shall work simultaneously. After registering and logging in, the user shall enter the job seeker details either individually or do a bulk Excel upload pertaining to each skill (eg:.Net, Java, PHP etc.,).The job seeker details pertaining to each skill is sent as an email intimation to the recruiter. Likewise, the recruiter shall register in the portal with both personal and official mail id. After registering, the recruiters can log in and post jobs according to the designation, skill set etc.
The recruiters receive replies corresponding to the skill set that has vacancy. Both the recruiters and consultants exchange mails about vacancies and resource availability respectively. Also, chat feature has been enabled that lets the users chat amongst them. That is, the consultant shall chat with a recruiter and vice versa. Group chat feature enables the users to convey or broadcast to all their contacts. Both the consultants and recruiters shall synchronize their Gmail, yahoo mail contacts and send email invites to join them. Also, the PayPal payment gateway has been integrated in order to ensure secure and seamless payment transfer after the trail version has been over.
The user of this portal need not be either a consultant or a recruiter, but both. The users who are both a consultant and a recruiter shall enjoy all the features and shall view the corresponding notifications in their dashboard. We had received a lot of appreciation from the client by designing their website in a responsive manner.
Technologies Used.
- A complete user friendly portal that serves as a boon to all the consultants and recruiters
- Synchronized email contact lists
- Payment gateway integrated portal that ensures 100% safe transactions
- Responsive website design
- Individual, Broadcast and Group chat enabled job portal
- Emails with subscribe and unsubscribe features
- Flexible job posting and responses viewing dashboard
- Highly systematic and genuine IT consultancy methodology
- Extremely dynamic administrative panel where in changes can be made as and when required.
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