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Event management app solution offered to a lean methodology Consultancy Service Provider
Client is a leading provider of Lean Consulting Services. They apply tools and develop a process that delivers an integrated solution for total Enterprise Performance Improvement.

Client requirement was to schedule & manage public or dedicated events between Instructor & Learner. The given event management app should have a platform to share news, newsletter, provision to send invoice payment for participants, remainder mails and much more which includes account management & insight reports for analysis & betterment.
We provided Showtime, event management app platform which comprised admin and user side (instructor& attendee) to create & schedule Events, upload resources for events and view candidates for the particular event and generate various expense reports for customers, instructors with income and incoming forecast reports.
By making use of the scheduling process in the app organizer can bridge the instructor with attendees and impart particular training methodology to aspirants of any particular organization or to anyone interested to learn.
What We Did
We have given them admin features to
- share news, newsletter to everyone participating in the events
- In-case of dedicated events, they can send invoice for payments to be made by participants
- Upload Course suppliers detail
- Calendar is integrated to show scheduled events
- Instructor leave/vacations can be updated so that events can be organized accordingly
- send remainder mails for all event participants on timely basis
- Option to request transfer or cancellation by attendees
- primary contacts who primarily responsible for conducting these events
Instructor can login & view
- The expenses made by instructor for every events, which could be travel or marketing or something in general.
- Track Attendees & suppliers for particular events based on courses
- Vacation requested
- Calendar for scheduled events
Finally reports to analyze what has been done and how can we improve in future. In case the event is public, the users can register and track their details
Technologies Used.
- Events Organizations made easy with category and archiving options.
- For effective participation, Users reminded by scheduling in outlook calendars and mails
- Automatic generation of invoices once event is completed within in 24 hours
- Easy approval of expenses submitted from pending expenses
- Dashboard to track course registered and showing pending approvals for accounts, instructor vacation
- Quick Event Creation in dashboard page
- Attractive dashboard with details like request for transfer or cancel of registration by Participants
- Transfer or cancel registration as requested by attendees
- Expense and Forecasting reports for analysis
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