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CMS Solutions Case Studies
Custom CMS Website Development

The UAE based client provides internet solutions to various industries based on user needs and market trends. Client also outsource few IT services to other IT service providers to meet their end client’s requirements.
Candidate recruitment system

The client is a governmental company responsible for managing the operations of an International Airport, and they are also responsible to maintain the infrastructure of the airport such as the terminal buildings, cargo building, runway, apron and car parking which are directly under the control of government.
Joomla CMS Website Development

The client is a leading importer of the baking equipment inSouth India. For the past 60 years the client was into baking items production and sales. Recently they have ventured into baking equipment sales and service.
Community Web Portal Development

Client is a community developer keen in promoting talents of artists by forming a hub for independent artists. Its one of Australia’s fastest growing community. Here all the artist whether actor, musician or stage player no problem everyone can join and promote their talents. To say more, it hold talents across different fields such as Actor, Comedian, Dancer, Designer, Technicians, Fine artist, Game Developers, Model, Musician, Performer, Photographer and Writer.
Online Sports Platform Development

Client is a modern and future-oriented service company specialising in providing training software for clubs and coaches. They offer standard and customised software for coaches and clubs both in the professional as well as amateur area.
Online Medical Tourism Web Portal Development

The client provides Medical tourism & Health Management services at Bangalore. The client has strong alliances with eminent Hospitals, Ayurvedic Clinics, Yoga / Wellness centres, leading doctors, logistics experts and IT specialists in India. The company's expansion / growth plan includes South-East Asian countries like Thailand, Singapore.
Multilingual CMS Website Development

Client has 50 years of expertise in Pump industry. Now after four eventful decades they have turned out to be a widely recognized organization which produces 830 varieties of perfectly engineered pumps & motors.
Content Management System (CMS) Development

The US based client maintaining an organisation for abandoned animals. They are organising events to adopt animals and selling gift cards.
Real Estate Property Management

Client is a US based real estate property developer dealing with different type of properties such us residential, commercial and storage listings for rent.
Online Order Management System

The client is engaged in the following areas - Off shoring of software & web development, Off shoring of DTP & design, Matchmaking for manufacturers and retailers, Consulting for SMEs setting up a virtual or physical company in India, Translation and localization
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