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Online Tax Organizer Portal
Online Tax Organizer portal solution for a leading provider of accounting, tax and regulatory compliance services to facilitate their client’s submit their tax related data online.
- Enabling our client to manage their tax data online
- Data submission and status tracking with optimal UX
- Less expensive than manual data processing
- Very simple & user friendly
- Minimized human errors
- Extensive reporting module

Our client is a leading provider of accounting, Tax and regulatory compliance services to Indian and global organizations in an organized and comprehensive way. Client offers Tax services for H1b/L1s Visa holders, consultants working on projects, Corporate, NRIs (Indian Taxes) and High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI).
The client wanted to develop an online application that allows their customers to submit their tax related data online, rather than the existing manual process. Collection of applicable documents related to their filing also had to be automated. In addition to the above, the client also desired to have a solution to interact with their end user for clarifying the doubts and passing data, managing employee performance by splitting their overall tasks into work groups.
What We Did
After the requirement gathering phase, our team analyzed and came up with an innovative, user-friendly Online Tax Organizer Portal Solution. With this application, the customers can store and manipulate all their tax related & supporting records online. They can also be carried over to the forth coming year so that the fundamental information can be entered once, thus reducing redundancy in efforts. Our Online Tax Organizer Portal Solution has Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption, which enables client to setup a secure account with unique credentials. To enhance the data security, privilege-based access control has been enabled for the client to feed their tax return information and access it any time safely & securely.
Technologies Used.
- Online data collection and verification
- Enhanced Data Security features
- Helps to understand the tax filing structure
- Saves time by importing excel or .CSV file formats
- Instant messaging feature for minimal response time for the end user
- Client can print or download the data reports for future analysis purposes
- Ensures that their client does not miss any essential tax deductions, by viewing & comparing last year’s tax information
- Client can have better interaction with their end-customers & supporting personnel as and when required
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