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Web-Based Currency Tool Converter
Leading software solution provider for various clients. Their software are designed to facilitate the daily work. These software are designed with a systematic structure, the programs are very easy to use and thus can be effectively used. One of their product offered affordable and user-friendly solutions on travel and expense management software to their customers.
Ecommerce Application Development
The client is a hardware retailer. They are the main distributors for SEIKO Precision and CopyTrax Technologies for Printers and ATEN for Network Hardware. Recently, they have been approved as resellers for CISCO, 3Com, Mailgate and Sophos to boost their Network presence and provide with a wider range of choice. Their main line of business is providing Printers and Network hardware to Computer resellers.
Practice Management System
This client provides the highest quality transcription available for dictated letters, reports and interviews:
The client advisory board consists of Medical Specialists, Lawyers, Barristers, IT and Business Professionals.The Client complies with the Australian Privacy Regulations.The Client guarantees low cost, professional quality and efficient service. The Client documents are edited twice for over 99% accuracy.The Client services are accessible from anywhere in the world.The Client offers reliable services 24 /7.
QA Testing Services
The client is a research-driven financial services and products company. They engage in research and analysis of the financial markets, generate proprietary theoretical models and develop original risk metrics. The client also looks into the process of developing electronic trading platform to provide powerful portfolio and risk management tools and automated trading systems.
Web Portal Services
The client is a team of people who focus to bring up the girls community to the next level in the world. They have a group of coaches to support the Girls community in all their aspects in life and also provide guidelines to run their business.
Course Finder Tool
A leading global university centered in Asia offers a global approach to Courses, Seminars, News and Events with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise. Its transformative education includes a broad-based curriculum underscored by multi-disciplinary courses and cross-faculty enrichment as well as special programs which allow students to realize their potential.
Supply Chain Management
The client is a leading fruit supplier in US .They buy and sells fruits & vegetables from farms & large central distributors and then sell them to local restaurants, schools, hospitals, etc. The client wanted to automate their business process in a software system.
Project Management Software
The client is a professional services firm providing project management and operational finance services to rapidly changing organizations.
The client has performed projects in many industries including Software, Public Health, Healthcare, Web Services, e-Learning, Consumer Products, Semiconductor, Digital Imaging, Medical Devices, Local, State and Federal Government Agencies.
Secure social networking website
The client has been building websites professionally since 1997. They have a lot of experience with hugely talented team of designers and geeks who build high quality sites.
Synchronization of Contents (Data)

The client wanted to develop a Synchronizing application that would synchronize contents between desktop PC's, laptops and Microsoft PDA.
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