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eCommerce Mobile App for Order Management
- Seamless order tracking & management
- Forecast planning based on supply location
- Intuitive dashboard & auto updates for orders placed

The client is one of India’s business conglomerates with over 100 years of expertise. They are mainly into business divisions cycles, metal forming, chains etc with strong customer-centric network across India and various international countries.
Client required to develop a mobile app for order management that should meet the basic necessity of the end users to place the orders for their requirements. Based on that, the mobile application must display the planned forecast for the current year, which will be split month wise and helps the customers in placing the orders.
What We Did
Analyzing the scope of the requirement, ANGLER’s mobile app development team designed and developed an ecommerce mobile app for the leading manufacturing industry in India. With the android mobile application, the end users of the client are facilitated to place their orders for the whole year with weekly / monthly split-ups based on the supply location. They are also provided with intuitive dashboard that automatically updates the placed orders with forecast details. In the ecommerce mobile app, all public holidays are exempted including Sunday’s & provided the last date of the month is not a Sunday.
Technologies Used.
- Simple mobile app for easy ordering
- Forecast planning with based on supply location
- Auto update of forecast based on the orders placed
- Intuitive Dashboard with provided details
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