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Automated UI Testing with Jenkins
- Continuous integration and fast in feedback
- Schedule the build periodically & automatically
- Easy to identify issues from the initial stage

The client runs a media venture company that creates online video channels and destinations through proprietary technology and entertain their customers / fans across the world with live stream events, upload highlights, and curate content on a custom video platform. They also generate revenue with native advertising tools and analytics by collaborating with thousands video contributors & network solutions.
Client required running the media scripts automatically after every release from the development team or after the changes in source code management. It should be as, if the development team sends a release from any of the module to staging, the scripts started after the release has to be done without support from the UI tester.
What We Did
Based on client’s requirement, our automation UI testing team deployed the concept of continuous integration using Jenkins testing tool. Jenkins monitors the source code management for any update from the development team and will generate the local build for the process. Jenkins automatically run the generated scripts and provides notification via emails to passed or failed to respective recipients.
Technologies Used.
- Container based workflow and integration
- Easy integration with faster feedback
- Schedule the build periodically and automatically
- Seamless pipelines deployment and bug tracking
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