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DevExpress Winforms Application Development for Manufacturing Sector
- Connecting all departments, services and suppliers via the desktop application
- Efficient and Effective sharing of information and details on Dashboards
- Provides visibility and transparency for efficiency and coordination
- Reduces manual tasks and increases productivity with efficiency

A leading manufacturer of automobile components focusing to improve coordination in their production process using a single platform, approached us. They wanted to create an app that brings together the data from various department and stakeholders into user-friendly dashboards, to improve efficiency and productivity.
After the briefing with the client for all requirements, our team identified the challenges they wanted to overcome. They required an integrated platform to monitor and control their production process and integrate data from various departments, including finance, maintenance and procurement. The application is to be built on DevExpress using Winforms that has to develop Presentation Controls, Reporting Systems, IDE Productivity Tools, and Business Application Frameworks for Visual Studio with all of the features that are necessary for the client’s business development and productivity.
What We Did
We used Windows Forms which is a UI framework for building desktop apps by DevExpress, to build the application for the client. It is based on the visual designer provided in Visual Studio. As the development of software app becomes increasingly complex, so does the desire for simpler and more visually interactive software interfaces. DevExpress provides for the need of users to create better user-friendly application. DevExpress WinForms offers clickable controls, various themes suitable for the application’s UI and features that enhanced performance. The application we built addressed all the pain points and more. It provides visibility and access for easy scheduling of work and the payment procedures related to it. The application provided a smooth user experience for stakeholders involved in the production process via dashboards. We adapted the network logic and took advantage of collaboration and partnerships between departments and other stakeholders. A realistic focus on data and history with API integration and accessibility was done. The application had to cater to the ever-growing demand of managers in the production process and control. DevExpress is the top pick when considering the standard of continuous product support with a direction for feature updates and roadmaps.
Technologies Used.
- Improved the competitive advantage for production
- Increased the visibility on monitoring, parameters and process
- Ability to continually evaluate the needs and expectations of the production line
- Transforms the user experience on using the interactive application
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