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Developed a Modular ERP Solution for Automotive Parts Manufacturer
ANGLER provided a modular solution for the ERP system of a leading automotive products manufacturer
- Improved look and feel of application
- Better UX, increased visibility and features
- Addresses migration and security issues
- Better UI improves operational efficiency

The client who is a prominent automotive products manufacturer with a size-able market share across the country was seeking to streamline their ERP system for better management.
The team at ANGLER had a discussion with the client to identify the challenges and pain points they were facing presently with their ERP system. It was broadly categorized as -
- Data Security and Migration challenges
- End to End Visibility challenge
- Day-to-day management issues
What We Did
Modular architecture was used as it better adapts to client’s specific business goals. Each component exists as a standalone application or integrated with other modules. With modules for ERP, the time, effort, and money invested in business projects can be all cut down by eliminating routine and repetitive work. Effective Collaboration and Excellent Customer service can be achieved.
Modules for ERP implementation improves in achieving operational efficiency by streamlining business processes, and also driving up productivity and reducing cost. Therefore, the task of upgrading from older version of software with latest coding and UI controls for better interactive user interface for users was done without difficulty. Our modules provide easy accessible and better understanding of workflow of organization’s business process.
Technologies Used.
- Improved the look and feel of the web application
- Better user experience, increased visibility and features for all users
- Creates a better reputation in public domain
- Ability to continually evaluate the needs and expectations of users using IT
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