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School Based Account Management System
School Based Account Management System for an online service provider of e-learning / e-assessment solutions to manage the school data efficiently.
Key Achievements
- Facilitates to manage school wise account details
- Mass mailing made easy
- Effective analyse of student performance
- Online access for easy learning

Client's company leverage’s the power of the internet to break free from the restrictions of conventional learning methods. With the online solutions, they intend to provide an 'anytime’, ‘anywhere' access to learning. The client has various online applications for e learning / e-assessment. There is no schedule to follow (or) classes to attend.
Client wanted to set up school based account management system for online learning & assessment. School has to be created in the existing application and an administrator to be assigned to manage School related details. Various reports have to be given to the Super Administrator & School Administrator to analyse the scores of their students. Client wanted to build the test module along with the existing Practice module feature.
What We Did
ANGLER provided the below modules,
- School details & School Admin Management
- School account details management
- Component & Question management for Progress Test module
- Mass mailing to various user groups
- Various Reports for Super Admin & School Administrators
- Online Test module & Reports to Students
Technologies Used.
The following benefits are derived from the provided application,
- Facilitates to create school wise account details & school administrator to manage school wise details
- Reports module allows the Super Administrator & School Administrator to analyse performance
- Comparison with Country, School, Section, Class, Component wise achievements will be possible to the Super Administrator
- School Administrator can compare the performance of various classes, section, and student
- Mass mailing allows the Administrator to send bulk emails to various user groups such as School Administrators, Registered users etc.
Related Case Studies
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