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Purchase Management System
Purchase Management System for a leading manufacturer & exporter of Indian fish meal to manage all the process from manufacturing to distribution.
Key Achievements
- Easy to use purchase management system
- Reports can be generated and exported to PDF
- Notifications via SMS Alerts
- Secure Data Maintenance
- Application offers tremendous potential for growth

A leading manufacturer of high quality fish meal and fish oil which is used in aqua feed; poultry feed, pet feed, EPA-DHA extraction, soap manufacture, leather tanneries, & paint industries across the globe. Tapping the modern technological resources, the company produces steam sterilized fish meal and fish oil in its modern and fully mechanized plant situated on the coastal belts of Pan India.
The client requested a Purchase Management System, an online web based application to manage all their purchase and dispatch related transactions. The Purchase Management System need to be user-friendly and managed by users in all other branches too besides central office.
The application should cover following features,
- Purchase Management
- Payment Vouchers
- Domestic and Export Dispatch records
- Register the Laboratory details
- Export Shipping details
- All type of report for the above transactions
What We Did
ANGLER provided a comprehensive solution using latest web technology called LAMP (Linux Ajax, MySQL, PHP). The users can login into the application and record whatever the data needs to be entered. Each user is given with privileges to manage respective module and its relevant details. The system administrator can manage the entire data including those that are updated by the branch users. Customised report module developed by us has options to view, print & export the reports for better insights and further analysis.
Technologies Used.
The benefits of the system for the client is listed below,
- All details of business are captured and stored systematically
- Reports can be exported to PDF
- As the System is user friendly less training is enough to manage the forms
- The data are so secured that one branch details cannot be viewed by other branch users. However the administrator of the application can manage all branch records
- As an application is in online server, the application can be accessed world wide
- This application is integrated with SMS gateway to get the immediate SMS alert for the payment dues
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