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Web Application developed using PHP & MySQL for a Financial Service Provider
- Tamil font implementation in an appropriate module
- A common platform to search the details about daily transaction
- Dynamic update for dashboard module
- Informatics User interface design

Client business as an equipment financing company and has today emerged as a comprehensive financial services provider offering finance, home loans, home equity loans, SME loans, investment advisory services, stock broking and a variety of other financial services to customers.
The client wanted to develop a web application which should be compatible in Internet explorer 8. This application should manage the Jewel loans processed by the client. All the customer details should be maintained, including details such as grams of golds, varying interest percentage for each customer, due dates etc.. with Tamil font and print option.
What We Did
Our team developed the web application in PHP technology. Finance Management feature facilitated their daily transactions. The system facilitates the admin users to manage the daily transaction details in their own branch. The Super admin / Authorized user can view and manage the branch wise daily transaction details of material in and material Out Cash in & Cash out. The admin users can manage the customer details, detailed ledgers, the cash flow, Interest receipts & stock details etc, and also the admin users can generate various reports like stock report, auction report etc.
Technologies Used.
- Manage Gold loan effectively
- Easy to filter daily ledger report
- Enhanced with Internal message communication
- Supportable for pre-printed and dynamic print
- User Friendly User interface
- Maintaining log report for security aspects
- IP based user restriction to access the application
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