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Portal Product customization Support for a popular Media Ventures company in US
- Theme Customization for new client
- User friendly interface for online media sharing
- Multiple online social media integration
- Access Media Portal from the web or mobile device

The client is a media venture company creating online video channels and destinations through proprietary technology, original content and curated content by having partnership with others.
The client requirement was to develop a user friendly media sharing portal that will support for Video Gallery, Sharing, Innovative way of receiving feedback from Audience, personalization and video playing.
What We Did
ANGLER already developed an online media sharing portal using RoR backend with effective User Experience. Technologies like AngularJS, a powerful JS framework were used to load the application very fast. The entire portal was made responsive (compatible for all devices) using HTML 5, CSS3 to enable users get best experience even on mobile devices. With FB share, twitter share the user can post their feedback in graphical manner which is innovative.
Now in addition to the above features users can view videos category wise and save it in the application for future use. There is a great feature in the user end, to get alert on the new video posts done very recently. Apart from the above social media platform other platforms integrated include Twitter, tumblr, Rediff, Pinterest, Google + etc. The whole features are developed as a product and product is customized and tested for each end client with different theme, colour and UI.
Technologies Used.
- Easy and effective agile development
- Multiple online social media integration
- User friendliness and Rich User interface
- Access Media Portal from the web or mobile device
- Compatible with different browsers, platforms and devices
- Easy customization and reusability
- Broad reach due to responsive design
- New features are ensured with frequently changing requirements and enhancements
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