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Rental Property Management Application Development
Online Rental Property Management Application
- Manage rental properties & tenants
- User-friendly and easy to navigate
- Search by locality /property type
- Book a visit to shortlisted property
- Manage rent agreement

The client is from Delhi, India. Having years of experience in real estate domain has stepped-in to online rental business from traditional way.
An online web portal to manage the rental property, facilitate tenants to view all listed property, search for their need using key words such as property type, location etc. Landlords need to have provision to post /update their property details with admin approval. Besides they required feature that would enable the tenant to view the complete details of the property, shortlist their preferred and register to book for a site visit. Member registration form and enquiry form to contact the admin for marketing are required in the application. Registered members must be provision to book for a site visit, view their recently viewed, site visits as well as reviewed sites in their member account.
What We Did
We developed the application with 4 major user groups, Property Owner Property owners are allowed to post their properties to the portal and manage the properties, agreements, their allocated tenants with on /off reminder that facilities for the agreement expiry / due on date. Individuals / Tenants
Individuals/Tenants are allowed to browse, compare, book site visit, preview/manage agreements, see the property's location in Google Map and on/off reminder facilities for the agreement expiry / due on date.
Apart from Individuals, the Corporate are allowed to reserve the properties for their executives. AdministratorsAdministrators can access manage the properties posted by property owners, manage the agents, schedule/facilitate to conduct the site visits. Further based on the requests upload the agreements and manage other crucial data in the application
Technologies Used.
- Rich and responsive UI
- Landlords can list their properties for rent in the portal, home seekers can search for and identify a suitable property without any hassle
- Home Seekers / Corporate can map shortlisted properties, compare properties and then reserve properties for their executives
- Admin can add attractive property photo to the gallery in order to create interest among the buyers
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