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Mobile app Developed for offline Shop Inspection
- Multilingual Application
- Map Integration for status tracking
- Display Inspection results with Image
- Advanced filter option to easily sort certain data

Client is a leading IT firm providing solutions and services for varied business domains in UAE Region.
Client has a web application wherein shop details and inspectors assigned to the particular shop for inspection will be present. Here inspector can update the shop inspection result along with images. Now they want to upgrade it, create an iPad app wherein inspectors can work offline.
What We Did
Our mobile app team developed an iPad App with login screen feature to signup using the given user name and password. Employees can execute their daily operations like inspection; visit update etc from the app. Device can be managed via the International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) number stored in the web admin panel.
The mobile app designed will display the shops assigned to the employee and also facilitate them to update their visit details and also print violation report. Visits, photos and current location updated through the app must sync with the existing web portal. Using the Google Map integrated users can viewing the shop status and set Google markers accordingly. Advanced filters option present will help inspector to easily sort expired license, registration details etc.
The inspectors can also upload snapshots of the samples they have been inspected and the print copies of violation report can be taken using the Bluetooth printer of the ipad app
Technologies Used.
- Unique IMEI number tracker for each inspector
- Map integration with Map and Satellite view
- View Employee visit schedules
- Record and monitor all visit entries
- Set final clearance flag with final notes for each visit
- Bluetooth printer integration to print violation report
- Save GPS location or each visit entry
- Multilingual – Arabic & English
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