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Virtual store development for a leading group of companies

The client is a group concern of leading jewelers. They engage in Construction of apartments and individual villas, Organic departmental Store, Coconut Lagoon with Farm Houses, Exclusive Jewel Showrooms, Physical Trading of Gold Bullion, Windmill of Power generation and also offer virtual store for purchasing.
Animation software development for video making company

Client is a privately owned Animation video making company. They were passionate about sharing the joy of making and watching animation.
Rental Property Management Application Development

The client is from Delhi, India. Having years of experience in real estate domain has stepped-in to online rental business from traditional way.
Web Application functional testing for an E-Commerce industry

Client is maintaining a web application and allows IT Recruiters, Sales persons to subscribe by offering features such as posting/searching resumes, requirements and also helps to make IT purchase and sales easier.
Web Application Testing services offered for a healthcare portal site

Client owns a healthcare portal, this platform assists healthcare consumers to search their suitable healthcare service provider based on their healthcare needs. It also collects reviews about the provider from the consumers /care givers who had been there to avail the service.
Online application portal development for a leading media organization

The Client is maintaining an online application portal for their subscribers; they can connect with their neighbors, friends and everyone else. Application helps to explore people around them , get autographs from celebrities, friends and can become popular through public posting.
Feedback Web Application development for a Fire and Safety training provider in Australia

The client is one of the leading Fire and Safety training provider with 300+ years of Emergency Services and Safety experience in Australia. They provide nationally recognized training in all States and Territories across Australia.
Mobile app testing service for a credit / prepaid cards service provider in Middle East

The client provides a variety of credit / prepaid cards that are tailored to meet the daily lifestyle needs of customers in the entire Middle East.
Drupal website development for one of the largest research institutes in Singapore

Client is one of the largest research institutes in Singapore. Their research capabilities are in shared sensor networks, public-public/public-private data-sharing platform, big data analytics and visualization solutions.
Online registration application development for leading banking service provider

The client is a leading banking service provider, shows interest to expand their customer base by online registration with Anti-Financial Risk Management.
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